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hiq services Mips compliance

Our Story

Our Philosophy

HiQ’s philosophy regarding its consulting services is unique in the industry.

Where individual consultants and small consulting groups targeting small practices typically maintain a narrow focus on MIPS reporting, HiQ’s services include a path for the practice’s growth and strategic innovation.

Where consulting services provided by software or non-consulting services vendors invariably serve the interests of the vendor above that of the client, we are proud of our independence and our ability to serve exclusively the client.

Where large consulting companies focused on the enterprise healthcare market tend to lead with software solutions to healthcare problems, we take a patient-centric, physician-centric, clinically-based and holistic approach; HiQ absolutely sees the value in advanced clinical decision support and advanced analytics software tools, but our philosophy is not to make “digital health” and end in and of itself. Our services are focused on patient care, regulatory compliance and quality management processes and with the goal of allowing care providers to focus primarily on patients.

While professional societies, large registries, major EHR vendors or government support programs may support their members, participants, clients or eligible clinicians for MIPS or other value-based care programs in the sense of trying to prevent them from failing, the competitive nature of value-based care inherently prevents them from focusing on making some members, participants, clients or eligible clinicians top performers at the expense of all the rest! At HiQ, our targeted role is that of a coach for performance champions and our goals go well beyond avoiding failure – we aim to make our clients top performers in MIPS and other value-based care programs – and ultimately to enable them to become widely-recognized entities of choice.

Who We Are

We are MIPS experts and can help ambulatory practices succeed with that program. 

HiQ’s team combines expertise with statutory and regulatory requirements, technology and technical standards, quality improvement and quality management, and healthcare practices and issues with deep insight into the healthcare market, our dedication to providing world-class client service and HiQ’s innovative and entrepreneurial company culture. We strive to be the best we can be.

We are passionate about healthcare, patient outcomes and patient experiences! We believe in Evidence-Based Medicine, Patient-Centered Care and Preventive Medicine! We believe that by applying standards-based, structured quality management principles to healthcare in a systematic manner and for the right reasons, and combining that with good, old-fashioned hard work, the results will benefit everyone: individual patients and their families and friends with improved outcomes and experiences, the population as a whole by optimizing population health relative to finite available resources, the organization’s workforce due to improved job satisfaction, and the organization by establishing its brand as a widely-recognized entity of choice.


Our Mission

Maintain improvements in patient outcomes and experiences as our guiding principle;

Ensure the success of our clients during the historic transition to value-based care and regulated use of certified EHR technology; and

Drive transformative change in our clients to help establish them as widely-recognized healthcare organizations of choice.



Mike Schmidt - HiQ Services

Mike Schmidt, founder and President of HiQ Services, has over 35 years’ experience in the medical device and healthcare IT industries, in software engineering, quality systems, general management, compliance and regulatory affairs and is the featured speaker in HiQ’s “MIPS with Mike” webinar series.



Our Partners

We help practices maximize revenue with expert MIPS optimization, minimize regulatory compliance risks and continue to maintain high quality patient care without distractions.

MIPS EssentialsTM

Learn More Free MIPS Assessment



We help increase organizational capabilities for measurable improvements and realization of strategic goals.

HiQ Quality Management Consulting

Learn more



Allergy and Immunology      Cardiology      Dermatology      Endocrinology

Infectious Disease      Gastroenterology      General Surgery       Geriatrics      Internal Medicine

Neurology      Neurosurgery      Nephrology      Ophthalmology      Optometry

Orthopedic Surgery      Otolaryngology      Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery      Podiatry

Pulmonology      Rheumatology      Thoracic Surgery      Urology      Vascular Surgery

Family Medicine      General Medicine

Other: Inquire